Demystifying the Modes
Group guitar class taught by Molly Miller
7 lessons · 1 hour per week · intermediate
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The modes can be a mystical and confusing concept. In this course let's break down this misconception that modes have to be confusing. We will look at a variety of modes and unlock how to see them on the fretboard. We will understand how to apply modes to different jams and songs.
What's included
4.99 · 433 students · 127 lessons
The Number Game
The Number Game
The key to understanding modes is understanding numbers. Instead of numbers being a way to confuse you, let's get into this and internalize what the numbers mean and most importantly, what they sound like.
Visualization Tools
Visualization Tools
Shapes are vital - let's use the shapes we know and love to understand the modes
It's time to apply this to music. Let's look at a variety of progressions to apply this knowledge.
What Are Modes?
What Are Modes?
This concept alone can be very confusing. Let's dive into what this actually means and how to understand what they are and when to use them. And OF COURSE- how to use them in music.
Joe C.
This was a fantastic course no matter what level you’re at with modes. This was definitely eye opening and a different approach to understanding and playing.
Brett C.
A really great dive into modes and how to practically start applying them to your playing immediately.
Antonio L.
If you have a chance, post some samples. I realize you want to see what we come up with, but some guides would be beneficial.
Stephen S.
Thank you so much! that was really fun and insightful - particularly with which chords to use over the modes and how to use them while playing. I'm so excited to try all of this out!
Matthew K.
Not so much a "do better" response... I think that the time I spent with her CAGED system lessons will work well with this course. Just from a baseline familiarity with the different shapes standpoint.
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