Essential Jazz Chord Forms
Group guitar class taught by Adam Levy
6 lessons · 1 hour per week · intermediate
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$40 / lesson
Thursdays, 11:30 PM - 12:30 AM
Apr 10 - May 22
In this 6-week course, you'll learn the essential chord forms that jazz guitarists rely on, including "shell chord" shapes, Drop 2, and Drop 3. (If these terms are new to you, don't worry! All will be explained.) Each week's lesson will include hands-on exercises and a framework for how to practice on your own. We'll also be applying the chord forms to well-known jazz tunes so you can understand their utility.
What's included
5.00 · 11 students · 2 lessons
Adam's highlights
Week 1: Shell Chord voicings
Week 1: Shell Chord voicings
These 3-note shapes (with root on the 6th or 5th string) are super useful! They're sort of the "power chords" of jazz. You'll get to know them well this week.
Week 2: Drop-2 Voicings, Root 5
Week 2: Drop-2 Voicings, Root 5
These 4-note shapes (with root on the 5th string) are easy to play, yet they sound warm and sophisticated. You'll get to know them well this week.
Week 3: Drop-3 Voicings, Root 6
Week 3: Drop-3 Voicings, Root 6
These 4-note shapes (with root on the 6th string) are easy to play, yet they sound warm and sophisticated. You'll get to know them well this week.
Week 4: Drop-2 Voicings, Root 4
Week 4: Drop-2 Voicings, Root 4
These 4-note shapes (with root on the 4th string) are easy to play, yet they sound warm and sophisticated. You'll get to know them well this week.
Week 5: Drop-3 Voicings, Root 5
Week 5: Drop-3 Voicings, Root 5
These 4-note shapes (with root on the 5th string) are easy to play, yet they sound warm and sophisticated. You'll get to know them well this week.
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